Revelations, Waves & Long-Term Solutions
I, no different than you, have a shared interest in all parties involved in this dispute. Sharing blood and history with all my neighbors. I have to return the rocks that piled up! Seek truth and vengeance. For love lost and invisible hands in our pockets. You want my vote? For what per sea will you do with it?
You glossed and missed it. The fact we are all equal. As offspring of the universe between us. Earnest and thirsty, not hungry for flesh. Wanting Love and Peace and some rest. Your wars are never-ending. Some formed naturally; most are fashioned for the masses.
I want to go home and enjoy the Sabbath… you all told us about. Sold for tin, silver and fake gold. Access to the riches of heaven? Where are the Red gems and Blue jewels who promised our ancestors to love us? Given bowls and cups and chalices. Whips of butter pats, Cain’s coffee and furry handcuffs. Thank God we got body cams and video witnesses to equalize the rhetoric.
Always, never not once have we loved one another. Except maybe when we were covered in mud.
Rain wash us all clean, once. Second chances are just labels for healing lost knowledge & hardened hearts still bleeding. Awe becomes amazement. Lame hope is tested, for future measurements, for extra portions of faith and persistence. We create, make and spend all the money here.
All things possible. WE can do better. Some over on the edges, say, come to me. The head atop in the middle, says vote your way to the next level. Cast your lot young dreamer, we can do better.
Are we bound to the same old school song and dance? Back and forth, always about money and politics. Bullied thoughts and words spewed for confidences and votes. We create, make and spend all the money. Demand more value! Haggle and finagle a better position. Just don’t assimilate or change into a chicken.
Like Hagar or Rebecca? Vote for your ways and means of living for bounty.
Our leaders have been ensconced for decades. Watching them whisper in our ears has been frustrating. When you don’t seem to stand on your testimony and promoted values for loving. Seems like double speak to the babes around us. Did God warn us. Do any of the godsss tell us? Truth, Justice and the American Way? To win elections? Keep doin what we’ve been doin?
I empathize now with Love’s dilemmas. How to keep all the pieces. Everyone’s heart is broken. We just handle emotions differently between us. You were built to love and be loved by your opposition and chosen authorities senses.
Tough love is not our place to impose. God loves, we just follow their lead and example. Hard to see through the fog and haze of questions. Swirling around our heads like daggers. Who threw them? Who produces the land of nods and waves?
We can overcome silly, stupid, stubborn, stiff-necked and broken. Still, yet to be seen, if we can over come our mountain? Really not far now. Promised land just over the horizon.
Is contriteness really required to enter the Kingdom? Can we just blow the dam, flood the valley under the bridges? Some live well in glass garden cages and some fly free with no sense of egregiousness. A sense of self worth, not extended to the least among us. Empathy lacking in the most controlling. Mom reminds me of a terrorist. Grandma is a gangsta for righteousness from Daddy? For the atrocities in the world that affect us.
Can we pick sides and trust the results with the options for votes before us? I have more confidence in the houses and branches turning over. One leader no better than the other. Principles and authorities say God placed them among us. To fight over and have something to ridicule others over. Rocks bury; sticks and stones hurt me. I didn’t bring a gun or knife to this fight. Who wants to help me?
Truth is the only thing that will bring light to all peoples. Led like sheep to the steeples. Edified for future service. Got lost along the way to the office. Deemed unfit for washing dishes. Still have the cunning way to make a way through the ashes. Or trust in the Lord for yourself and just watch the masses?
I ain’t no commentator.
Dig a foxhole, then scout advancements. Recruit your army or go solo with yoda. Forces of the universe bend to the wills of people. With pure hearts and no one to really vote for.
With my measuring stick.
I’ll wait on Love to save the day, and watch you, while I pray. Til I find the prey that seeks to destroy US ALL in A. There are other Nations among us. Round and round the bowls flow. Americans think they are worthy. To bring the next push for unity. Around the Globe?
Will we go to war again? More blood on the ground? Will we split into two nations or three? Join the crowd? Will We the people become land-locked in the middle? Until we come round?
No one knows… only vote for this or against that. Truth sets us free. We continue to let this happen to us. Like Stockholm syndrome we end up in love with the enemy who hate our brothers and sisters. Even our cousins neighbors friend. Convictions of the heart, cause minds to go awry. Allow for doubt and then betrayal. Falling back down to earth again. To dig a new well hole, build a dam or drive a river.
Or just drop to our knees and receive mercy. Rise up again. Together in one accord. Wake up up, your pipe dreaming. Tithing and teeming people in the churches works. They love like Jesus said God does. Gospel is sharing good news to the captives; song then free. Not putting them in chains for your slavery. To money and politics and royal balls, request for financial support and calls to arms. Church or party is often all the same. Each an extension of the other hidden hand in the way?
Don’t let one hand see the other.
Can we stop waving back and forth and look at the bigger picture? We always let the least we consider evil, run one by us. We know there is corruption in politics because of money.
One can do what they do as long as we let the other do it to.
Really only one pressing all the buttons. The other scrambling around look’n for consciousness. Contrite love is the answer. Truth about the things that led us all here. So we can fix it for all, not just the best PR among us.