So, say Love, made a copy of itself… A mirror image.
And then split…itself. Between them.
One a little more Fatherly and the other Motherly, Brotherly. And the Original sealed in all of them.
Look’n for more Love. For all of them.
Duplicated now x4 or maybe 5x or Ge, did it tell us everything in the manual… About VOC’s. What’s with the misdirection from The Spirit of Truth, as we know it; found only in the story about what all it told Cain and Abel?
Affirmations, confirmations and misdirects; scattered all throughout creation. Bearded ladies and hairy sons and hungry wolves for inheritance rights to eternal riches.
Did Adam have a twin? We don’t talk about? Why is it so hard to have reasonable conversations, without persecution? Always framed as crazy or misled, not towing a line, about the Quran or the Bible and all the stories? Or what a Jew is verses a Christian or a Catholic? Islam, Shiite or Sunni Religion and guess what, Christianity rules in Russia! America is a confused, crazy lady, like all the rest of us. A bi-Nation with a president and puppy dog rulers and wanna be Kings, with Queens behind them. All counting sheep. For votes & the likes. Influencers we call them.
Asking questions, provokes derision, you know this from experience. Questions to the others who don’t really understand why we ask about it and feel convicted by the spirit; who has been courting them. Jesus didn’t speak either. This was a thing, If I remember, scripture about it. There are rumors of secret knowledge and things spirited away for proof for later? Only some of us will come to know about it? The truth in all things, we wonder about. Ask about.
You serve that spirit. Roll up your sleeves and jump in, not on. Sell your home land to the King for promises of greater riches later. When the sheep are ready to submit to slaughter. Like the knights, they’ll keep it for you, so you don’t get robbed on your journey. For a nominal upfront fee, to be adjusted for inflation, and additional expenses and labor.
Economic inequality. Boils down to one or two things. Wise as a serpent or ignorant as a lamb.
One side says the other don’t deserve it, don’t engage and work hard for it. Busy complaining that things ain’t right between us. Then they bury heads and turn cheeks so they can’t hear the voices. Some do go to looting and hooting, wag’n a finger in the face of tyranny. Like pirates, who came before us. I remember the T party. Paul Revere hailing the British are coming!
The other side fights for equality, through patient means of strategy, to call on Love to overcome for us again. We’ve rang a bell before, it’s cracked as proof?
We are all on Love’s welfare system! Silly rabbits, smart to position themselves? As servants to the system, for a paycheck and retirement assurance. Good insurance and supportive staffing and infrastructure to perform tasks for the people. And then not protect their ignorant neighbor, like themselves, once were? I don’t remember running across that scripture. Anywhere.
I’ve wondered, how strategic could we pray? I kept praying and now I prey. With both knees, on the least among us; if not only in my mind. Lusting for… wondering where Love is… holding Love accountable for all this. And coming to realize, now you will all know. Jesus. His job was to be tested at that time. Pay a price for you and me to come alive. We came behind him or her, I ain’t beholden to gender. I Love them all. Under the sun, hiding in caves and yelling at neighbors.
Cause a commotion! Be holy as he his! Throw a fit for freedom from enslavement to tyranny, lies and bribes!
Be and do for Love, only. Put off your old man’s ways of bartering for freedom. Love saved the day, already. We all rang a bell. Some for one side and many from the middle to the other. Hot or Cold. Blue or Red. Can’t stay in the middle for long.
Will we split? Why didn’t we do three parties? Even a three person team leadership structure? Like a trinity union, for strength and resilience? We haven’t learned from our mistakes yet. Just elect the next best president. Do we ever learn? To overcome? Move mountains between us, build bridges and not walls or dams to release later.
Remember… This land is your land and mine too. We took it from the natives, wherever they came from; they were, when we got here. Or were they? We don’t know! Love… is the greatest and it doesn’t matter… Love created us all.
All these arguments should even matter, about property lines and jurisdictions.
Equal shareholders in suffering and glory. If God blesses you with a miracle for all of us, don’t quench the spirit. Give it all away and ask for more.
Is Abraham your Father, oh nations? Which one… I can’t tell. They all look alike. Lepers and thieves now?
Will We the people love them, heal them back and establish them, the cup-bears to the throne? Or leave them alienated, as if we could.
Grace and Mercy Trustlove’s baby? Jesus the Christ, already on the throne? Loves Allah, Buddha and everyone Love created? Waiting patiently for us… to be humble and do right to the least among us. Not saying a word, trying to protect us?
Join the family, go witness about it. Quit building walls in the end time. Of this last crazy era… moving on up to the next room. Will it be better, like we all hope? I’m making sure I can scream loud and the bell ain’t cracked, still. We get a new bell? A whole new fabric, spotless between us? Oh, I went off day-dreaming, crazy ideas, about Love saving us from more suffering and no glory shared between us all.
ALL. Not one should perish. Why is there blood on the ground, still!?
I must be drunk on the spirit… give me some more! My cup runneth over, I’ll lap it up like a dog! After I finish the cup… that stuffs good!