A Void

Aaron Tarpley
1 min readOct 19, 2023


A New Chapbook

Available in the Kindle Unlimited Library

Do you consider yourself a descendant of Adam, Abraham or Noah? Are you a ‘Spiritual Being’ in a Body that is of their Lineage Stock here on Earth? Would it be possible that the Same Spiritual Beings that lived in them also seeded Humans on other Planets? Have they created an eternal record of their claim, on those planets? How far does Abraham’s God Network permeate into Creation? Does that Spirit, that was Abraham on Earth then, now dream about his Promised Nation of Offspring, while being bound to the current planet he has been ‘born again’ into. If that Spirit was existing here on Earth now wouldn’t we know by divine proclamations? Isn’t Abraham the one with the true honored ‘Original Claim’ to at least half of the Livestock on this Global Ranch? And retains varied percentages of Interest in all the rest? How does He collect any values?

Is God a Galactic Franchise? He takes all the Fat and Blood, the Profit from each Planet it has established like a Nation of Nations?.

Are other Eternal Spirits copying, counterfeiting, the ‘Gods’ Pogram from another Planet?



Aaron Tarpley
Aaron Tarpley

Written by Aaron Tarpley

That's me in the cracker barrel. A picture is worth a 1000 words in this bio. Find thousands more here https://pcpcrew.blogspot.com/

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